Official Japanese

License Translations

fast and easy

We reliably provide you with an official translation, which is accepted by authorities and allows you to drive and rent a car in Japan!

Countries with mandatory translation

German Flag


French Flag


Belgian Flag


Swiss Flag


Monaco Flag


Taiwanese Flag


If you have a license registered in one of the countries listed above, you need a translation to drive in Japan

Order process

We optimized the ordering process so it can easily be done in under one minute

Order Form

Personal information and a clear photo of your license


Choose from a veriety of differnt payment providers

Delivery or Print

Just comfortably wait for the delivery or print at a 7-Eleven


Enjoy using your translation to drive or rent a car in Japan!

Delivery & Pricing

We offer different delivery methods so you can choose your best fit

Fastest option

Print Yourself


We send you a code via email, with which you can print out the translation at any of the 7-Eleven locations in Japan

Delivery in 1-3 days

Order tracking

Choose when and where you want to print

Detailed printing instructions

Fast customer support in English and German

Standard Delivery


We deliver your translation via the sea-route, which takes a bit longer but is the cheapest home-delivery option

Delivery in 2-3 weeks

Insurance and tracking included

Fast customer support in English and German

Express Delivery


We deliver your translation via airmail, which is the fastest route possible. Perfect solution if you are in a hurry!

Delivery in 5-10 days

Insurance and tracking included

Fast customer support in English and German

Hotel In Japan


We deliver your translation directly to your hotel in Japan, in case you do not need your translation at the airport

Delivery on chosen date

Insurance and tracking included

Fast customer support in English and German

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Contact us

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